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Story Time - Jadi macam Rashid...

Once upon a time in Malaysia, Ali and Rashid was traveling together down a muddy road. It was raining heavily and the road was slippery. Coming around a bend, they met a pretty lady in a lovely dress and tudung. As they were walking down the road, suddenly she slipped and fell, hurting her ankle and was unable to walk.

'Come on, girl,' said Rashid at once. Lifting her up in his arms, he carried her over the slippery mud till they reach a kampung and left her in a safe shelter. Ali was watching all the time but did not speak a word until that night when they was in a surau. Then he no longer could restrain himself.

"We Muslim don't go near females"...he told Rashid, "...especially young and lovely ones. It is haram in Islam and it's dangerous. Why did you do that?" Rashid replied, "I left the girl there in the shelter..." said Rashid. "Are you still carrying her?"

In Islam, every Muslim is responsible for his or her own actions and all actions are based on the intentions (innamal a’malu binniyat). The reason Islam prohibit skin contact with the members of the opposite gender is because it might lead to other means of haram like 'fitnah' and adultery (zina).

But that doesn't mean Muslim are prohibited to help a damsel in distress when they are in hajiyyat or darurat situation. In fact, it is compulsory (wajib) for a Muslim to do whatever they could to help anyone in trouble or in difficult situation irregardless of race, religious or gender differences including touching them, if appropriate.

However, the number of Muslims who refrain from doing so is significant, and an awareness of the issue is vital when interacting with opposite gender, both formally and informally. Every man is guilty of the good they didn't do and this is clearly not the teaching of Islam. The Quran says:

"And whoever saves one life - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely..." (QS 5:32)

Be a smart and wise Muslim, be like Rashid...


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